Re: There's quite a difference between believing in peace and feeling it.
Re: There's quite a difference between believing in peace and feeling it. -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

02/07/2005, 07:16:16
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Hi again Joy

Of course you are quite correct, I did "feel" it and frankly I still do.  Often, consistantly and regularly. And yes I did, for close on 30 years, attribute that "feeling" to what you refer to as Knowledge and to the best of my abilities I also tried to attribute that to Maharaji, someone you refer to as an "authorized representative on this planet". But I don't now and, yet, still "feel" that "peace within me".

Why is that?

If I stopped believing in such a thing called "Knowledge" and the "authorized representative on this planet" and then stopped feeling "peace within me" and rather started experiencing rotting vegetables or whatever, then I grant you perhaps that would be proof that Knowledge and Maharaji was real in some way.  But the reverse is true. 



Modified by Thorin at Mon, Feb 07, 2005, 07:17:28

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