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Re: Raging Premies: Take the Ex-Premie Challenge! This Means YOU, Joy Wisdom! -- Jonathan | Top of thread | Forum |
Listen, Neville, and you others. I am 100% convinced that at the very least, Maharaji is the authorized representative on this planet. He knows something. I have seen too much and felt too much over the years to doubt the validity of Knowledge and M. That means I have zero doubt about this. ZERO DOUBT. Understand?
Are you for real? What is an "authorized representative"? Aren't we all "authorized representatives" on this planet, Joy Wisdom? In your opnion, what gives Maharaji more authorization than any other human being? It would seem that, if anything, he would warrant less authorization, given the harm he has done to his long-time followers. Yes, sir, we are all authorized reps of the Source of all. However, a plant is lower in consciousness than an animal who is lower in consciousness than us. When Christ or Buddha or Krishna or Kabir or Ramakrishna or countless other human beings walked the planet, what differentiated them from the other holy men or women of their time? They revealed light and peace to their devotees. Now I'm from a Catholic family. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within you, that God is spirit and light and that if thine eye be single (or sound), thy whole body will be filled with light. That's pretty darn clear if you ask me. Each of the Masters that have walked this planet have said the same thing. The essence is within and you can experience it. In a previous post I pointed out that Tom Reese's journey supported my position that true Knowledge enables one to quiet the mind and experience that self-effulgent light/spirit within. He did when he was 18 years old and 25 years later he searches for Divine Light Mission and lo and behold he comes across this site. Now I don't know Tom's journey in those 25 years but he said that he definately experienced the inner light and he ended by saying that when he passes away he wants to so so again. If Tom in another 25 years checks in, I would guess that he might say the same thing. The point is, sir, that if one is looking for the Creator and one examines the powerful saints and teachers of all time, they pretty much agree that the purpose of life is to know God. Experience that true inner peace and fulfill your life. You can see the damage he has done at any event. Look around, Joy Wisdom. Between the soccer moms and the silicon valley dads, you can see the people Rawat has harmed...the people who look poor and disheveled, like they would ask you for a dollar, were they not sitting in a filled auditorium awash with this planet's most uncaring, self-absorbed people. Fortunately, Maharaji doesn't prevent the poor and disheveled from attending events. He may suggest that you bathe beforehand however. I myself have been poor and disheveled but I've usually been fairly clean at events. But I'd much rather be poor and disheveled and attend the event than rich and kempt and not attend it. It's nice to have a choice like that, don't you think? I hereby challenge you, Joy Wisdom, and all other premies, to do this: at your next love-thy-self event, dare to spot the people that have been harmed by Rawat, who cannot escape from under his clutches. They're the smelly, toothless woman who buckles in tears when Rawat enters the stage. They're the older, shabbily dressed couple who walk aimlessly around in the lobby, where nobody will talk to them. They're the stereo repair man, who, were it not for losing years of his life to following Rawat, by all accounts ought to have been a scientist. They're the people whom Rawat would like to brush under the carpet, and then dance on it a few times, to a captive, clapping audience. Ok, sir. At the next event I go to, I'll make it a point to talk to any shabbily dressed couples and smelly toothless women I see walking aimlessly around the lobby. And if I see a stereo repair man that looks like he could have become another Einstein, I'll make sure I show him (or her) some kindness and consideration. I'll even say that I'm sorry that Knowledge made him (or her) such a wreck of a person that they couldn't even realize their potential to be another scientific genius. Oh, and I'll make sure that I don't dance or clap when such a captive audience is present. Actually no, I can't promise that. But I will talk to anyone who I feel might be adversely affected by inner peace and contentment to consider not attending the event. After all, if they are going to be adversely affected by peace, love and joy, they probably shouldn't come. There ARE people who cannot escape Rawat, people whose lives have been irreparibly damaged by Rawat. Why won't Rawat make amends? Why won't he acknowledge the harm he has caused? And, how does his vile behavior give him "authorized representation" of anything, other than a greedy, despicable egomaniac? Greedy, despicable egomaniac? Or kind, loving teacher? I don't know, sir, but I think you know. I do know this. Knowledge works. Bad mouth the teacher all you want but inner peace is still possible through Knowledge. That spirit/light/word is within me and it's within you as well. Whether we get to know it or not. Tom Reese got to know it for awhile. His life wasn't ruined. He may experience it again. Who knows? Oh, Maharaji does. That I do know. |
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