Jonathan, I find your posts very refreshing. I have been a part of the cult from 1973 until last August and yet it's weird how I feel I understand your posts. Can you imagine after all those years how terrifying it felt to post here for the first time?.( well now I think you must have felt some of that terror yourself ) .There was a part of me that thought I might die in a car crash or at the mercy of some random event in the weeks that followed. Actually I made my first post and ran away from the monitor.....part of me felt disaster might strike immediately !
This is of course NOT rational thinking but the rub-off of years of fairy- tale, fantasy thinking. I was protected in the palm of the Lord's hand and had wilfully chosen to stray.I had become at best ,a lost sheep and at worst ,a filthy ,dishonest infidel ( I had broken my Knowledge " vow" ).I had stepped out of the land- of -the -everlasting- rainbow and back down to earth and mortality ,with all the others who are not yet saved.
Dare I suggest Jonathan that there is a part of you much attracted to all that mumbo- jumbo, just like we all were ( ex-premies that is )....You know...The Lord, Salvation, the peace that passeth all understanding, surrender, devotion, joy, a divine medicine for all ills, light , love harmony,grace, magic.......etc etc Your wife was a premie when you married her ( btw why didn't she tell you ??)...maybe the premie element was part of the attraction.No matter...somehow it has given you a good insight IMO into the premie/ex-premie psyche and the unhealthy but understandable fear that might keep us bound to the Lotus feet.If you can, please keep posting here as you manage to combine insight ( your wife being a premie) and objectivity in a strong,compassionate and helpful way.
Did you say that you wife was Nepalese ? I once saw Maharaji in Nepal. It was very staged and very beautiful. We walked through paddy fields to get to the venue ,in the mountains ,with that special Nepalese light, just as the sun was setting behind his seat.
I feel devastated for John MacGregor and angry that the cult could shamelessly lash out in the way they have. I can see however that a cult has to react like that when their very being becomes exposed and vulnerable. Somehow I have a small idea of the depression , fear and confusion John must be going through . Someone who is not a criminal by nature is terrified by the merciless machinations of the law, which by its very nature cannot be a respecter of persons .The cult seems to have exploited John's foolhardiness ( or bravery ) to the hilt knowing full well the man and the limits of his endurance. Frankly I am disgusted and mortified.
Hold on tight to your discernment Jonathan , much appreciated.
John's predicament reveals the vice like and fearful grip that cult ideology has around our necks even when we try to exit.