If you lived in the ashrams until they closed, and you are around 50, I might well know you, or maybe I knew you back then.
Despite what some of the more fanatical premies say about us, I don't know anyone who says you shouldn't do what you want to do in connection with Prem Rawat, and maybe you coming to EPO and reading, etc., helped you get some perspective on things. It sounds like it might have done that. So, whatever floats your boat as they say. And it sounds like you have no problem with the fact that ex-premies might not think about it all the same way you do and talk about it, unlike some premies and apparently Elan Vital, who get really upset about it.
But I have to ask you a question, that I can't seem to get a premie to answer. Do you approve of what Elan Vital does in connection with former premies? For example, do you agree with what's on the Elan Vital website that ex-premies are a "hate group?"
And since you mentioned Arti, do you think it's acceptable for Elan Vital, on its website to describe Arti as an insignificant, culturally misunderstood song that is sung to just about anybody? I mean, come on, you and I both know that it is a devotional prayer to Maharaji, right? Jai Gurudev MAHARAJ JI, right?
And since you mention the ashrams, do you agree that EV was right when they said that the purpose of the ashrams was as a shelter from drugs? I mean you and I both lived in them for years and we know that isn't true, right?
And if you and other premies disagree, which they must if they are honest, does anybody protest to Elan Vital that they are spreading lies? Are premies embarassed by Elan Vital? Do they care?
I say this because we share some of the same history, we were there, and it just seems bizarre that they have to lie about it.
What do you think?