So what do you think I should do, Jim?
Re: And I've got a question for you too, Eileen -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Eileen ®

02/02/2005, 23:25:14
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I don't know who any of those people are or to what extent any of that is true.  So what do you suggest a mindless, spineless opinionated, morally devoid  cult member should do to fix it?  I know, I'll become a permanent fixture on the ex-premie forum spewing off venom at random people who may actually be trying to learn something.  Or should I go to Elan Vital & have them retract their statement?  You are the one with the legal back-ground & you couldn't do it yourself. 

How long were you involved in the "cult" Jim?  Didn't you come to your decision to leave in your own time, or were you intimidated into it by some smart ass on the internet?


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