Thankyou for sharing your interesting story, Jim. I don't think any of that is in the EPO "journeys" section. It should be.Also thankyou for bravely posting the link to that venomous website.( I just skimmed it and got the gist as I try not to fill my head with crap ! ).
Intriguing and intensely odd that the hapless Raja Ji mentioned the film " The Last Emperor "...I watched that film at least three times and I seem to remember that the cosseted and isolated child/god grew up totally unprepared for real life or leadership,his wife had an affair with the chauffeur, and he made a pact with the enemy ( the devil ?) and betrayed his followers ( the Chinese that believed in him). He ended up suicidal in a communist prison where humility was forced upon him. On his release ,totally stripped of all his former godlike trappings and wealth he became an ignominous,lowly gardener.mmmmm??What could the analogy mean?
"Suddenly, Raja Ji's demeanour changed. He dropped his guard, for some strange reason, and looked at me quite sincerely, it seemed, and shrugged "You know, I've tried but he won't even talk to me about these things."
And that was it for me. I walked Raja Ji out to his fat, new giant Mercedes, shook his hand and walked away for keeps."
What did you understand by that Jim and why was it the last straw for you?....Maybe you thought..well if Prem Rawat won't even answer his own brother's questions on this matter then he'll never answer to anyone ? That if Raja Ji didn't "understand "then he was simply a stooge ,in it for a nice car and a comfortable lifestyle. What a surreal moment for you !
I once stayed in the same hotel as Raja Ji and a group of ( presumably ) PAMS while attending a programme. I was bewildered by their behaviour. ( Drinking a lot and rather "loud" ). I couldn't see how it all fitted into the picture and I didn't find it particularly attractive ! Another "drip" !
Thanks for your recent revealing and honest posts.