Training - 26th July 1999 - Rawat identifies a real Hate Group
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12/20/2004, 14:25:31
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Here is the transcript of Rawat's comments from Day 4 of the Arundel Training in July 1999. This is an original transcript written by Chuck Natham. It's authenticity is not in doubt.

Here's an extract of Rawat speaking to the attendees at the training session:-

You guys really hate each other. I've never seen a group of people that hate each other so much. Sincere pure hate.

Here's an earlier quote talking about the effectiveness of respect compared with fear:-

Respect. There are two ways to get something done. Fear or by respect. There is a statistical base which says that fear is not 100%. You don't get 100% results from fear. You can try to intimidate a person but they might not give in. But respect, you can expect 100% results with respect.

And here's what he says later to show how well he himself understands his own words (in addition to the quote above). Can you imagine being told you are wasting the time of the living Perfect Master? What would you feel - fear or respect? Here is the quote:-

When are you going to take responsibility for your stupidity? Not we, I. Me. I. Not we are not trusting. I am not trusting. Not we are not participating. I am not participating. Not we are not following rules. I am not. Not we are not having brain farts. I am not.

When are you going to take personal responsibility for what's happening here. Each person is responsible when this team doesn't work.
What is this? I don't understand it.

All right, should we ask him to leave then. OK, then I'll leave. This is it. If you're not taking it seriously, what am I doing here? He's not the only one. I know all of you are not taking it seriously.

So they can fix it. They can continue the training. I'll go home. I don't need this. I really don't. I've got a lot of better things to do. I thought if I invested some time it would bear fruit some day. I had a schedule to do events and Knowledge Sessions in Africa and Mauritius. And this is what you give me. And on day four you tell me we're not taking it seriously.

I've talked about the vision. And then you're not taking it seriously? That's really great. I could have spent time giving K to a bunch of people in Africa that would take it seriously. But I've been spending time with a bunch of people that don't even take me seriously.

This is very very bad investment of my time. Cause I was really hoping that today would fly. We've already discussed so many things yesterday. OK, this is serious. Came down to firing and you never concluded that. Do you know that? I know you think you got away with it. You didn't get away with it.

This is very very strange. Why wouldn't you take it seriously? You think I'm spending morning to evening here and the world's waiting for me. To cancel events. It never happens unless it's serious. TO ME to cancel events and be here, how serious do you think I take this? And have you reciprocated even 1% for me. I don't understand it. I'm not stupid.

That's ended the conversation. If you're not going to take me seriously, that ends the conversation. You're not taking me, the rules, the facilitators, this opportunity seriously. End of conversation. What else is there to say.

What are we going to do about the last four days. There is no such thing as sorry in my book. It doesn't fix the last four days of my life. Cause if you're not taking me seriously and you've given me no indication that you will take it seriously. The last exercise was a child's exercise. Children play this game. And you couldn't do it in time.

The only thing you can do is fix four days of my life. They'll have been a waste. The team is nowhere close to where they're supposed to be. There's distrust in the rules, in the exercises. As soon as a facilitiator sees you pulling a trick, we'll do anything to sabotage you because you've gone in the wrong direction. One group got smart and said we'll leave little pieces of paper on the tiles. I was going to turn on the fan. Because you didn't need to. It wasn't necessary. How difficult was it to leave a trail behind. Then someone said let's mark the ones that are no good.

I'm sorry, This does not work for me. I sincerely think I should leave you in the hands of the facilitators and I should call it a day. Your attitude is let's get it over with and finish the next two days. It's like you're stuck in a pit and you say give me a hand and I say OK and you say I don't need help. This is bizarre.

Not a good way to spend it if this is the most important week of your life. If it's the most important week of your life there would be incredible care and concern that you put into this.

Did you know I do the most talking, the most standing up? More than these facilitators? And then it's not serious. So I don't think we have common ground. I'm serious. I'm really serious. I go back, I think about it. I review the notes. I review the notes from other conferences. I'm really serious about it. But if we don't have a common ground, it's not going to happen.

That's what I've been trying to do. But you've got to take it seriously. You want to play tricks, fine. Lay tricks on them, (the facilitators). They do this professionally. They're good at it. I like sincerity. I have never and will never penalize anybody for being ignorant. Stupidity I want to change. You want to play tricks, these are your people, not me.

I started that on day one. Do you know how much help I gave you on day one in that bar room over there? I told you about responsibility, about taking the ownership, all of these things.

What happens to my four days? I'm not an unconscious person. I want to spend every minute of my life doing what I want to do. What is the point of learning when you're not going to take it seriously. What's the point of learning a little when a large amount is being offered.

I just feel I can't continue on and you have been playing tricks and you haven't been taking it seriously. We don't have common ground. Common ground is you're into what I'm into. But we don't have common ground. You're not taking it seriously.


Related link: Arundel Training, 26th July 1999
Modified by JHB at Mon, Dec 20, 2004, 14:28:26

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