Re: From Moley, 'pure, perfect selfishness!'
Re: From Moley, 'pure, perfect selfishness!' -- Nigel Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Dermot M ®

12/20/2004, 18:47:33
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Helloooo there Moley : ) How're you doing?

When I was in the ashram I endured a long, very cramped ferry & van journey to Copenhagen for a dose of darshan....I was quite ill with flu, too, but my devotion was so powerful, ho hum....goddd it was murder, hahahha. Glad it wasn't as far as Rome, though.

The things we did to waste our precious lives... hehehe.

Happy hols to ya both...


Modified by Dermot M at Mon, Dec 20, 2004, 18:59:05

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