He's bitching about wasting FOUR DAYS?!
Re: Training - 26th July 1999 - Rawat identifies a real Hate Group -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

12/20/2004, 14:49:13
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

What are we going to do about the last four days. There is no such thing as sorry in my book. It doesn't fix the last four days of my life.

Isn't this that guru guy who got people to dedicate years, sometimes even decades, of their lives to him, formally and solemnly renouncing everything and anything .... only to have him cowardly admit, just a touch, through the safe voice of the faceless organization which he claims isn't his anyway, that "mistakes were made" -- although not by him of course?  So he loses four days of his life (except for whatever gravy he got from their "tuition" of course) and sorry won't cut it?


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