Remember it well : )
Re: Hi Dermot from Moley- Remember Lingfield? -- Nigel Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Dermot M ®

12/20/2004, 19:15:27
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Got there a week or so early to do service 23 hrs a day.....well, a slight exaggeration there but not too much of one : )

Yeah, it was a dreadful vibe wasn't it ?  hahahaa. Everyone working their guts out for god almighty in person.....some of those late night cafs and stuff....everyone spaced out of their brains to the nth degree. I remember thinking, this is what it must have been like at some weirdo goldrush cowboy town in the northern parts of America in the 19c....people greedily mining around for some treasured bliss but totally and obnoxiously perverted by the whims of spoilt brat Rawat.Going for gold and selfish as hell....a perfect mirror of our lord. hahaha.

Truly amazing.... the benefit of the doubt I continually gave him and. boy, did I continually have them ! .....over and over and over again until I finally quit his squalid game. Ya live and learn, that's for sure!

At the drawing to the close of the event I remember thinking " do I really want to dissolve my ego into total servitude and submission or do I just want to be lying in a nice hot bath smoking a big fat spliff ?"hahahaha.

Ya gotta larf

Modified by Dermot M at Mon, Dec 20, 2004, 19:28:35

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