Dr. Reender Kranenborg about the DLM
Re: 'Betrayal' is a good word -- Mike Finch Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Andries ®

12/20/2004, 13:36:10
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Dr. Reender Kranenborg of the Vrije Universiteit is the most renowned scholar in the Netherlands about NRMs and cults. Unfortunately he will retire in February. from his 1982 book "Oosterse geloofsbewegingen in het westen/Eastern religious movements in the west" ISBN 90-210-4965-1 page 56 "It is clear to what extent the person of Maharaji is central [in the DLM]. Not only in his own thinking but of course also in that of his followers. His assertions are accepted without question. He is the perfect master for them, the satguru, the 'Messiah', who conveys the message of Buddha, Christ, Krisna and many others to this world: he is the Word that has become flesh, the power of the divine Father, an avatar (incarnation of God)" Andries

Modified by Andries at Wed, Dec 22, 2004, 02:41:43

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