Introvigne is Scientology supported....
Re: It's like being talked to as if we're kindergarteners... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Toby ®

12/22/2004, 12:41:04
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everybody can know this. User David Gerard at Wikipedia has researched that field a long time ago. And to relate to Cesnur, means relating to the common aims of Scientology as well.
Rawat or somebody close to him, must have convinced him, that it is the best to use those tried tactics of other Cults of how to deal with the critics. Hate Group allegations, phone calls, the legal actions against MacGregor(That is why they don't want to settle this. It is part of the tactics). Read a bit of how to deal with critics that were former members(THE enemy number one) and you will see the parallel. Introvigne probably found a gap in the market, in providing a forum for several cults to present themselves as victims, and to find a way to defame their critics as obsessed in general. This really reminds me of the time when german nazi scientists went along to "prove" that the german race is superior with a whole bunch of pseudo science.
A science that had to deliver results according to given political goals. Same with Cesnur. And in the midst of it, user Zappaz making heavy use of it, defending that, attacking those that disagree (Antaeus Feldspar for example, who never showed up here to my knowledge). You can be extremely intelligent but at the same time of low character.


Modified by Toby at Wed, Dec 22, 2004, 12:58:10

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