I know, but I'm not playing!
Re: Re: I wrote this with Wikipedia in my mind -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

12/22/2004, 14:05:38
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Yes, Andries, I know you did.

And I agree with you that there are a large number of people (including the referees at Wikipedia) who will only take the evidence of academics.

I am saying that I will not play that game. I have not got the time, energy, nor the inclination to marshal academic arguments, and defend what I write against academic attacks. I think that most academics in the field of cult-studies are ignorant - if they are not surreptitiously funded by cults themselves - not all of course.

So I am simply providing my own eye-witness accounts of my time with Maharaji, along with hundreds of others, and that is all. I leave it up to the reader to determine if I am believable.

Take care

-- Mike

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