Re: Re: Is a friendly reminder to be afraid a friendly reminder? -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Susan ®

12/05/2023, 19:10:19
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"He also told Maharaji that, of all the groups he had facilitated, he had never experienced as much fear as was exhibited by our group"


The first time I posted I remember the fear too. 

I also remember being terrified after I "came out" by name about Jagdeo. Every time a car drove by my window, my door, for the possible risk to my then minor children. I have known and know fear. I am not over that fear still. 

People don't forget Pat Halley, Fakirananad, Bob Mishler, CAC attacks.

I also reread this archived post from 2001

"the warning at the end of this post to NOT post it on FV.

A Post by Rachel Cunningham on Lifes (sick) Great:

A guy called Richard said this (and a lot more, in a calm, clear, polite manner) to the FV's favorite victim, the woman who seeks not a cure for her ills but vengence. - Naturally he was lynched by the rabid dogs for saying....

'Your attempt to demonize Maharaji has the collateral effect of funneling hate to all premies. Posts like ____ have that effect by pushing emotion-charged buttons in people such as “child abuse”, that they lose perspective and react strictly out of emotion. Incidences of child abuse by an Elan Vital representative were so rare that to harp on it like you guys do completely skews the reality of Maharaji and the people who have served him over the years, some of whom are the most genuine people I’ve ever met. If you really don’t like hate then why don’t you do your part to diffuse it instead of formenting it.' ---

Want to see an emotionally charged button? The following is emotional manipulation at a truly vulgar level and is what Richard and many others find so ugly about this 'child abuse' crusade. ---

'We don't know how many children Jagdeo abused or what has become of them — doubly warped by being brainwashed, we can only imagine the worse._____________________.' ---

Straight off a National Enquirer cover? Unfortunately not, but FV can be very similar. The exes keep crowing about this woman's 'courage'. It takes a lot more courage to say - THAT is not honesty, THAT is not truth, That is NOT someone seeking justice. It is emotional manipulation and it Stands Out A Mile. And they wonder why Maharaji doesn't arrive on her doorstep with chocolates and roses?

This post is not intended to insult or enrage the woman in question. We all sympathise with her (them) and yes, the offender will be held accountable. There is a lot of work being done behind the scenes, to uncover not cover up. Patience will pay. -----

WARNING: This post is an attempt to clarify the nature of the ex.premie stance on the subject FOR PREMIES VISITING THIS SITE. If any ferreting ex wants to try and play the big hero by grabbing it and running back to ex.org shouting 'look at this!!' then you must WEAR THE CONSEQUENCES UPON YOUR OWN HEAD. There are unwell and unbalanced people on FV who should NOT be privy to information and opinion such as this. Enough said?

I will respect this forum administrator's decision if he deems it necessary to remove this post due to the possible irresponsible behaviour of some people."

(This promised open results of the Jagdeo investigation never materialized.  Did they really uncover not cover up? We know they didn't)

Definition of DARVO

DARVO refers to a reaction perpetrators of wrong doing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender. This occurs, for instance, when an actually guilty perpetrator assumes the role of "falsely accused" and attacks the accuser's credibility and blames the accuser of being the perpetrator of a false accusation.

Institutional DARVO occurs when the DARVO is committed by an institution (or with institutional complicity) as when police charge rape victims with lying. Institutional DARVO is a pernicious form of institutional betrayal.

No victim of this cult needs to be told to be afraid. We know. We were there.

Modified by Susan at Tue, Dec 05, 2023, 19:18:43

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  • Re: fear --- lesley ( Thu, Dec 07, 2023, 11:25:11 ) ( 932 bytes ) +1