Re: May be this might be interesting
Re: Re: May be this might be interesting -- pompel Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Andries ®

11/04/2004, 11:51:20
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Wim/Pompel, You are welcome but please tell me when the references to you article are out of context or inaccurately translated. I really do not want to distort what you have written.

"In [[1981]] Wim Haan wrote in an article after involvement for several months with the DLM in the Netherlands that Rawat's battle against the mind sometimes degenerated in complete irrationality."

"In 1981 Haan (he was part of a critical movement within the catholic church) wrote in an article that appeared in a Dutch periodical about religious movements that the DLM hardly had a philosophical background and that the central items of faith were summarized in its aarti song."

"According to a 1981 article by Wim Haan aarti was a part of the aspirant meetings of the Dutch branch of the Divine Light Mission."

"In a Dutch periodical article written by Haan (who belonged to a critical movement within the catholic church, see references) in 1981, he writes that receiving Knowledge involved a formal initiation that the aspirant had to keep secret. In this article, Haan speculates that the reason for the secrecy is that he saw a direct connection between the techniques, the initiation and the need to live a life a devotion to Rawat. He also speculated that the fact that other groups may also use the same techniques would probably not help to increase the interest in them. Haan did not receive Knowledge and wrote this article based on observations in 1980 until 1981. In concurring with supporters' view, he asserted that the relationship between the disciple and guru is of central importance for the usefulness of the techniques."


Modified by Andries at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 11:52:53

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