Het staat er toch echt: de DLM heeft nauwelijks een filosofische achtergrond Noten page 55
"2 Bij Divine Light Mission is nauwelijks sprake van een filosofische achtergrond. De centrale ‘geloofspunten’ zijn allen weergegeven in dit lied. Helaas is geen Nederlandse tekst beschikbaar.
Hieronder volgt de Engelse tekst van dit dertien coupletten tellende ‘loflied’
Meditation begins in the form of our Master
Adoration begins at the feet of the Lord
I think the remark in your article that the DLM hardly had a philosophical background was and is true. The confused, contradictory teachings of Rawat do not have the extensive, intellectual background that e.g. the Hare Krishna's with its complicated theology have.
Eerder in je studie schrijf je over de tamelijk oude godsdienstige achtergrond van de DLM, namelijk Sant Mat.
To classify the DLM as a bhakti movement is something I have my doubts about. According to Wikipedia the main spiritual activity in a bhakti movement is fostering devotion to God. I think, but I was not there, that the DLM put too much emphasis on inner peace and Knowledge.
oh, de informatie in Wikipedia is weer veranderd. Een volgeling schreef dat je bevooroordeeld was waar ik niets aan kan veranderen want dat valt binnen de richtlijnen van Wikipedia. Ik heb "article" veranderd in "study". Is dat okay?
" In [[1981]] Wim Haan wrote in a study based on his involvement for two years with the DLM in the Netherlands that Rawat's battle against the mind sometimes degenerated in complete irrationality. Rawat's current students highlight the fact that Haan was part of a critical movement within the catholic church and hence biased. Furthermore they deny these claims, saying Rawat instead inspires them to think for themselves and encourages them to "stand on their own feet"[http://www.voiceofmaharaji.info/2004/07/a_gift_unparall.html].