Thanks for your answer, GOK
Re: Re: If you're honest, GOK, you'll concede -- here's conclusive proof you're wrong -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

10/28/2004, 00:14:51
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GOK, I want to thank you for explaining yourself. I think it's fair to say we all know where you stand.  But I'll tell you, you should save your posts.  If you ever escape Rawat, tomorrow, next month, ten years from now, you'll read your posts and shake your head at all the hair-splitting, back-tracking and tortured logic.  I don't say that meanly, it's just a fact.  You'll see.

But I really would like to hear your comments on the EV FAQs, if you don't mind.  I wrote you a detailed post below on each one.  Would you please answer it, not in general terms but as specifically as asked?

Thanks in advance ....

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