Holy Smoke
Posted by:
G. ®

09/24/2004, 20:53:18
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I saw a film on TV, "Holy Smoke" 1999 by Jane Campion (Director) and Kate Winslet starring. The story is about a girl in Australia that became a follower of a guru in India and then a cult-fighter hired from her family came to save her etc. etc...

The film had no serious backround I think, it turned to be a love story between the girl and the "exorcist" (lol) but there were some interesting points. I 've seen some other films about cults but most of them were about western destructive cults such as the Temple of the Sun, but this was the most close to M. I 've seen (indian background, guru, abstract ideas about love etc.).

I ask because I didn't pay much attention while watching and I did not understand well the end, what the director wanted to say (if he wanted to say anything...).  

Does anyone know something more about it? Is it based on a real story? Do you know any other film (I hope a more serious one!) relevant to our subject?

Thanx, G.

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