I agree...
Re: A pretty crap film -- Neville B Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
G. ®

09/25/2004, 04:30:27
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Hi Neville,

I agree, it was a stupid film... I could not even decide if it was against cults or deprogramming in general. I don't know much about "deprogramming", though Cynthia provided some useful links. If the follower has not decided by himself to do something I wonder if "deprogramming" is actually "re-programming"...

The interesting points I found were only 1 or 2, like the "purity" of the girl (no drugs, seeking of something purest than the rest etc.), the idea that an abstract idea about love can lead someone to the opposite behaviour etc.

I wonder though if there is any film based on real facts about guruism (even if, as happens with films, it is far from reality).

Moreover, a crazy idea came to my mind. Sanford I think raised an issue about legal action etc. Perhaps what would be much worse for EV would be a film, even a low cost "documantair" about the history of PR with a disclaimer "facts and persons are imaginary etc. etc." but that anyone would know to whom it refers. Hmmmm, ok it a crazy idea....

Regards, G.

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