"The Guru" (2003)
Re: Holy Smoke -- G. Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
shelagh ®

09/25/2004, 09:09:12
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Hi G, yes, I saw this movie (Holy Smoke) some time ago, but after becoming an ex-p, so was hoping for more insight than it gave about the cult world.  The romance between the young woman and her supposed "rescuer" really took any potential insights off the rails, imo.

Another movie I saw more recently was "The Guru", which for its sheer extravagance, color, dance and nonsense was actually quite entertaining.  It didn't pretend to be anything but shallow, but it was funny and spectacular in some ways, nevertheless. Reminding one uncomfortably, too, about just how shallow things sometimes were in the world of Prem Rawat!  Lord of the Dance indeed!



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