One of those 'darshan' experiences
Posted by:
Sanford ®

09/24/2004, 09:42:49
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I had an appointment with a General Manager of a hotel the other day. When he came out, he looked like a larger version of Prem Rawat. Amazing resemblance. Decent guy, I did not hold his appearance against him and we did business.

Then I got to thinking about Prem Rawat. Let me get this straight...he has a long-term lady on the side and has had affairs or flings with yet others....and he has gotten violently and publicly jealous over Marolyn flirting or more with her favorites? Sounds like he came into the 21st century with some old world patriarchal shit stuck on his shoes. What is good for the gander is good for the goose. Or else he just has a very surface acceptance of western ways but is really a caste-ridden male chauvinist.

Happy Yom Kippur (Day of At-one-ment) to all Jewish participants and visitors of F8.


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