Re: Re: So what I hear you saying is... -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sanford ®

09/12/2004, 15:18:28
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My posting here is in response to the way a previous thread was handled that I started about 'amorailty and reality', in which I described how Prem Rawat may have been raised to mistakenly think that someone who merges with the Self can do whatever the hell they want, which is obviously an immature and self-serving interpretation of the Upanishads. In that series of posts, I mentioned something about God, and made a note to agnostics and atheists to somehow show respect for all beliefs, including no belief. I did this because I was busted for that in the past. So even though I acted out of respect and sincerity (even when I suggested a calming tea to Cynthia, which she also took hard and wrong), I got hassled anyway.

The way I see it, Cynthia's preoccupation with the mental-intellectual approach to analyzing the situation we all find ourselves in by assoication, is no more or less valid than my spiritual approach. The only difference is what is politically correct and in vogue now is intellect and mentalism, not so much things of the spirit. And that is what I got busted and edited for, because I am not a member of the dominant social order here at this Forum, which is primarily intellectual, not spiritual. That is not good or bad, I am just calling it for what it is, a clique. And there is one even here, do not be deceived.

So enjoy the rest of the weekend and thanks for your imput and giving me the opportunity to respond.


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