What do you expect, Cynthia? (edited @ 10:20 am edt)
Re: Sanford, you missed the point, sorry... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sanford ®

09/13/2004, 08:48:50
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

Look at it like this, if you will indulge me for a moment:
Wikipedia has positioned itself like, and has assumed the role as the worldwide 'moderators on earth for the conversation going on about cults, etc. You have been busted by the moderators of the big zoo for challenging their rules.

We do not fight against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities of darkness in high places. The intellectual giants who endorse and support this insane world and its insane rules and regs and values must protect their game, which gives them respect from many, gets them laid and paid, and boosts their egos through their skulls. How do you think that you can affect them? They, for the most part, are already dead and gone, replaced by dark ghosts. This world is insane in case you haven't noticed. What I don't get is how you got roped in to try to correct a bunch of VAMPIRES. I just googled around and realized who Melton and Massimo are in bed with. Come ON, Cynthia, you were not born yesterday. These people are REALLY freaks! And you want them to edit their website for YOU? Maybe they will, for a pint of your blood.

It has always been the case, that the overeducated, those who have suckled at the bosom of the dominant social order and eaten its 'educational food' to the point of multi-degrees and so forth, end up like that guy in the Matrix, Joe Pantoliano, who ratted on Nemo and Morpheus and the whole gang, just so he could live in the dream and have his wine, women and song.

You are debating with hungry ghosts over there. Don't cast your pearls before swine for they will turn on you and trample you and your pearls into the ground for they know not your value or the pearls value because their minds are like swine.

PS Kinda of like, why does the whole doctor/hospital/insurance trinity mainly push meds that address and usually mask the symptoms of disease and they don't concentrate on the cures? Because then they would be out of business? Why haven't alternative cars taken over the roads? The technology has been around for decades. Money!
the love of money is the root of all evil. Your folks over at Wikipedia would not have their status if people got better and healed and listened to and respected. The confusion is keeping their types in power and control of places like that. A pothole on the road to infinite devotion. Pay no attention to those robed figures with all the books and degreess.
They are figments of their own imagnination. -Sanford

Modified by Sanford at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 11:14:17

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