Hey Nik
Re: Er .. ? Sandy -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sanford ®

09/12/2004, 17:29:22
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The links Cynthia posted deal with Introvigne. -Nik

>Thanks. I will look at them closer. -San

I've argued fervently in the past that a 'spiritual' expression of exism is as important as any other. I do think though that any 'spiritual' approach has to be very carefully presented - the problem is that there are far fewer agreed points of referrence between those holding contrary views, than issues of finance or law or psychology. -Nik

>Agreed. So what I hear you saying is that the larger the common denominator, the better the subject because it will include more people. I can dig it. But can you dig a Forum where people just dialog on the posts that interest them and skip the rest, leaving them to those whose interests are there. Something for everybody. -San

As someone who is more interested in a prosaic critique than a deeply philosophical one, I do get frustrated with many of the 'spiritual' critiques of Rawatism that have appeared on the forums because they take up a large amount of bandwidth without having any obvious translation to addressing a wider audience. And personally a wider audience and a wider context -cults, abuse of tax status etc, is what interests me. -Nik

>See my reply above which addressess this. No need to repeat. -San

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