Re: No, not the point at all
Re: No, not the point at all -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/21/2005, 18:32:16
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"How do you know you didn't just mature and grow up?  What was it about being a premie that made you "better?"  I think we all just told ourselves that and premies still believe it, but I have never seen any evidence that there is any truth to that."

No, the change in me happened straight after contact with the DLM thing. Meeting the premies , hearing what they said ,reading what M. said and my own sincerity somehow changed me and I never went back to the way I was.Some of the changes were unnecessary bullshit: things I ate, clothes I wore,renunciation, donating,doing Maharaji's version of giving everything to him style "service"  and cr## like that...but there was some kind of a shift in me that was not superficial , was connected to an experience and that change will never be reversed.I think it could have happened through some other cult , charismatic movement or whatever...but for me at that time it just happened to be that one.

ducks and posts....

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