Well, guess what, Bebopaluja?
Re: Well, guess what Premie Ji? -- Mahatma Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
eMpathE ®

09/09/2005, 01:13:21
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From a post down below, someone quotes their experience when they were still a premie:

Myself, I experienced light brighter than the sun, heard celestial orchestras, tasted nectar sweeter than honey and surrendered to rawat to the best of my ability. I passed out in darshan into a deep meditative space for hours at a time. Also I HAD NO DOUBT as to his divinity. 

Too bad that doubt was allowed to enter her experience.  She might still be experiencing "light brighter than the sun", "celestial orchestras", "nectar sweeter than honey" and "a deep meditative space for hours at a time." 

Maybe she still is now that she's an ex.  That's what others here say all the time.  What do you think?  You guys experience that now?  Or is it something better?  Or, Hamzen would say, they're just BOG STANDARD YOGA TECHNIQUES. 

Well, if they are just BOG STANDARD YOGA TECHNIQUES, then I guess all of the BOG STANDARD YOGA students would be experiencing some pretty incredible stuff IMHO. 

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