Re: I like your theory too
Re: I like your theory too -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Ghost Dog ®

06/07/2005, 23:44:56
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heh heh...wellllll... some folks'll believe anything eh?

But man... doing some reading on these links... our guy is really sort of a piker compared to your JiJi.

I don't think Castaneda was worth more than ten million or so at his death, and it was mostly from book sales... oh sure, he was an abusive narcissist... He had his harem and such... but wow... I stand humbled before the behemoth ego of the Lord of the Universe.

It is as though he is a cartoon of a cartoon of himself.

And hey, at least Castaneda people could blame their choice on drugs... er... power plants... sorry... You guys were just having a bad day?

You know, it seems folks do have empty places in them... oh heck, I have empty places within me, and for some reason those places become so feared and despised that we'll fill them with anything.

Enter the grandiose ones... eager to make us feel better... heh... and all they want is everything...whatta deal eh?

Ever hear of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? It's a certified mental aberation that pretty much describes both our boys.. You know at SR we have a steady flow of self proclaimed naguals that come through..

Heh... that's one thing we got that you don't ... Castaneda people tend to be dark loners with immense fantasy lives. At any given moment there are two or so self professed naguals busy assembling their little mini-cults called "Warrior Parties".

It's great fun, and a fine way to get laid, by accounts anyway....

But one of the ways, or reasons, that folks hooked up with Castaneda was that he sold personal grandiosity. You know, he had this big imaginary scenario all mapped out, and folks who like to engage in obsessive fantasy and lies (pseudologica phantastica) seem to sense his fiction, and they just build a personal mythology that fits into Carlos'...

and voila! They too, are a nagual. (our word for guru)

Now I wonder... do you think that sort of hook is present with your Jiji? (is it ok if I call him that?) I mean how or why do folks get into his scene? It's more like a ready made family right?

Looking for love in all the wrong places?

I wonder if Ji people are quite as angry and antisocial as Castaneda folks... or what sorts of personal weakness or psychological stuff makes someone vulnerable to your guy.

I do want to understand this stuff... I think that gurus and naguals in general are limits on human potential... and that understanding them, and ourselves can only be a good thing.


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