Re: I knew you'd show up for this post. (ot)
Re: I knew you'd show up for this post. (ot) -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Ghost Dog ®

06/08/2005, 15:24:35
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Hiya Everybody..

Well... lets see here...

By "a limit on human potential" I meant that gurus are dead weight... and that without their wonderful insight and kind guidance, that we'd all be a bit better off.... Whatever we as people can become.... gurus are obstacles. That's my theory.

In fact, that's the subject of my new book that will kick off the organization I am forming to aid in the evolution of mankind.

We have bought a compound near Waco Texas and are currently accepting donations to help us patch up some holes and burn damage left by the previous tenants.


Anyway, I know it's probably difficult to bring up anything new and interesting in a respectable old forum like this.. but lately I've been thinking... you know, an intelligent adult can almost always tell when their leg is being pulled. We human beings have pretty good BS detectors you know.

I had my barely three year old grandaughter on my lap... and I could not convince her that a nickel was more than a dime due to its size...

......and I totally tried to sell her on it too...

And she out and out guffawed when I told her it was a "flutterby", not a butterfly. She was not buying a word of it. The little cynic...

But for some reason, we are able to turn off our preservation instincts, BS meter...whatever, just by wanting to... and we can fall for the lamest tales if we just have a reason to believe.

One example a teenage girl believing her beau's oath of undying love because hey.... she wants sex too... heh heh

There would probably be a lot fewer people today ...if our intrinsic ability to detect a line of BS were always operating as well as it could ..

So whether it's the "love bomb" or an invitation to personal grandiosity.. These guru stinkers entice us to suspend disernment, and to get in the kool-aid line at Jonestown.... metaphorically speaking.... by appealing to specific "hook up points".

So once I get all that straight in my mind... then I ask, "hey waita cotton picking minute here... us followers cannot put all the blame on the other guy. We got a moral imperative to realize it takes two to cultango..

...and we are just as reprehensible as the guru for being stupid enough to support them, as the guru is for being reprehensible in the first place.

I have found that taking responsibility for myself that way not only helps me clarify my own past... but it assists me in mainting irrational grudges against current believers.

heh heh... yeah, I'm all over the map... I know...

Just some more thoughts on what I perceive to be our common ground...

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