I agree with all of you, but that is the whole point - we say to ourselves now that we did not really want to be close to M or have a high-flying position, and that all we wanted was to be as 'free as a bird in the sky'.
I'm not so sure you really do agree with me, Mike. I really didn't want to be close to M, then or now. That's actually true, but I'm not sure what you mean by "free as a bird in the sky." I'm not sure I felt that either. It was about dedication of my life for me, Mike.
All I am doing is trying not to apportion too much blame - whether you were actively seeking high-flier status or did not want it but allowed it to happen, in either case we were part of the cult and supported it.
Mike, because you actually do know these people, it might be hard for you to be objective, and that's understandable. And I don't believe in personally attacking people, but I do think it's necessary and appropriate to go after what they say, especially when you can prove it's false. Now, maybe somebody like Glen and Ron Geaves are so deluded that they can't tell fact from lie, but I highly doubt that, because I know as a premie I could tell the difference. It was only a question of whether I ignored that awareness for something I believed to be higher, or not, or, I think in the case of Ron, and perhaps Glen as well, they see personal gain as a result.
And one other point. This is really a different cult world than when I was involved. For one thing, now your really can get information which wasn't available then. So people like Ron and Glen, in my opinion, are well aware of their mendacity and they should be held responsible. Also, I think it does neither of them any good to cut them too much slack. There should be a price to pay for what they are doing, even if they think they are playing Arjuna and it's all a test. There is no way to get around the cult, circular thinking on stuff like that. Plus, there is the public to think about, as Ron and Glen may just be too far gone.
That they might be nice, jovial people on some level, and perhaps even loving and loyal to their firiends, is mostly irrelevent. Lots of people are nice. Most people who do bad things, in fact are quite normal and nice. And they are doing bad things, no doubt about it. Some of them, also, I find personally insulting.
I understand cult-think as we all do because we have been there. Nevertheless, there is such a thing as personal responsibility, which isn't abandoned at the cult's door, especially these days, when you really can get the truth if you are interested in the truth.
Modified by Joe at Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 12:42:45