The belief system that it's not a belief system.....LOL
Re: Belief -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

04/11/2005, 16:12:09
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You will always lose on this issue Jonx, because all you can do is present another belief system about how it's not a belief system.  It's just circular logic.

Also, it's interesting how you have spun this "not a belief system belief system" into this whole process of discarding beliefs.

And you're right, it's very arrogant and extremely deluded.  Maybe the idea that Rawat has anything whatsoever to do with the "experience" you are having is one of the beliefs you should think about discarding.  That's the one we all did.

If what Rawat was offering wasn't a belief system but only an experience, he would just give people the techniques at the first intro event.  The idea that you have to listen for 6 months (during which you develop the belief system), in order to get something that is just entirely experiential (and natural), is absurd and contradictory.


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