They are liars, Joe...
Re: Can anyone talk to me about this? -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

04/08/2005, 13:09:39
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Anybody who is that close to the inner circle of the cult leader is lying.  Even if it appears that they are convincing themselves of something, they are still lying -- they've thrown their code of ethics out the window, so it comes very easily. 

The reason it's creepy to me is because I remember when I consciously lied for Rawat myself, so it reminds me of how I was, when lying for him flowed off my lips, and breaking the law for him was always justified because I believed he was the Lord.  There was no excuse for it then, and no excuse for it now.  I have forgiven myself and reclaimed my moral code, no thanks to Prem Rawat.

As for those X-Rated premies?  Come on!  They're willing participants in the fraud -- I find it hard to believe otherwise.  They may try to tell themselves on some level that it's okay to spread that crap, but I just can't believe that they don't know they're lying.

They are so close to the center and because of that, they are responsible too, unless they leave and say something to make things right.

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