Re: The thing is....
Re: The thing is.... -- Joe Top of thread Forum
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Jerry ®

04/09/2005, 10:44:41
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Everytime people like this say shit like that, it makes it appear they are experiencing something that other people aren't -- and it appears that way to premies, and perhaps to other people as well. 

Yes, it does appear as if they're on the inside of something grand and wouldn't you like to be too. That's definitely the hook that gets people involved. I still can't tell if they really are experiencing, or have experienced, something as grand as they say. If they have, I'll assume that there's just something in their makeup, that's not in mine, that allows them such an experience. I use to care about that. I don't anymore. But if they're consciously lying, trying to kid people intentionally, than they're the worst kind of dirt because they know that they're just stringing people along to get from them what they can. Do you think they're that evil? I don't. I just figure they're freaks who really get off on Maharaji, or they're just kidding themselves and they don't know when to stop.

In the end, all they do is attribute good experiences to Maharaji, and then talk about how great they are. 

Maybe the good experiences they have really do require Maharaji. Maybe it's because what they believe him to be, in their minds, that gives them such a thrill. It's like the funeral of the Pope. Millions of people gathered from all over the world to mourn his loss. To me, he was just an old man who's time had come. To others, he could bring tears of love to their eyes, all because of who he was to them in their minds.

They attribute to knowledge and to Maharaji, joy and happiness that would be there anyway.

Well, I guess my argument is that, for these people, it wouldn't be. For them, Maharaji is required for their happiness, at least the happiness they currently feel, if in fact they do. Could they be just as happy without Maharaji? There's really no way of saying.

The only premie I'm familiar with here is Joan Apter. The others I might have seen now and again, I don't remember. Maybe if I was an ashram premie and dealt with these people on a daily basis, and knew them personally when they were off the stage, I'd have a better take on whether they're full of shit or not. As it is, I was just a fringe premie, so I don't have much to go on concerning their veracity, or lack of it.

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