The thing is....
Re: Re: Good points, Cynthia, thanks. -- Jerry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

04/08/2005, 19:51:03
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Everytime people like this say shit like that, it makes it appear they are experiencing something that other people aren't -- and it appears that way to premies, and perhaps to other people as well.  And, in fact, they are not.  In the end, all they do is attribute good experiences to Maharaji, and then talk about how great they are.  They attribute to knowledge and to Maharaji, joy and happiness that would be there anyway.  And I think in a cult you can really believe that and really, honestly feel "grateful" for it (again, misguided though it is).

But people like Geaves and Gallwey then make these pronouncements --  especially Geaves -- the they have to know are lies, exaggerations, and just spiritual bullshit, because it makes them feel significant or superior or something.  Like how Geaves said that he just couldn't imagine a more perfect life than the one he has had, and it's just been beyond imagination.  THAT, is just plain spiritual dishonesty -- it's clear smoke-blowing lies.

Joan is clearly trying to obfiscate and let Rawat off the hook for the ashram debacle and she is obviously nervous about that, and I think she knows she's being deceptive, but her emotional gushing about what a good time she had in the early years hanging around Maharaji and how she waxes nostalgic for that might in fact be genuine.  I mean, she might really feel that way.  But like you say, it means nothing.

Modified by Joe at Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 19:55:30

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