I actually did that once, when my husband appeared in the doorway with lots of blood dripping from his hand, couldn't decide whether to go for a handkerchief, the telephone or him - one foot moved and one foot didn't I literally went round in circles!That one resolved pretty easy, cloth first, him second, telephone third. Look some premies are magnificent the way they cope with life hampered as they are with that capricious God they are saddled with.
And I agree, being stuck with some sort of a religious belief is so prevalent it is the norm. That just makes it an epidemic though, like flu, it doesn't make it mandatory or good for you.
I don't know what you mean about our lives going round and round. But I do relate to the desire to avoid playing on merry go rounds, and I rather suspect that the bulk of people who became premies felt the same way.
And that I think is what is so sad about people continuing as premies. If, as I really think is true for the bulk of premies, what they wanted on becoming involved was beneficient, then what they have actually got is at odds to their inherent wish.
What they are actually doing is supporting Mr P 'Maharaji' Rawat in all his glory. And I don't see anything beneficient in that, do you?