I think that this is a knee jerk reaction to anything that even looks like something bad. You all know me well enough to know that I have taken a stand and I am not wishy washy about it once taken. As a vocal, Jewish-born ex-premie who has stepped up on more than one occasion here on this forum, for you to equate me with Germans who kept quiet in the Nazi era is kind of oversimplifying and overreacting if you ask me.
JC said not to judge others, for with what measure you judge, you will also be judged. That is what I live by, and that is not equal with calling a spade a spade or a Nazi a Nazi. There are volumes written on this subject, and I cannot encapsulate it all here now. Suffice it to say that one can abstain from judging others and still be vigilant and proactive and on top of their game and looking out for themselves and those around them.