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Re: Visions of the Wrath of the Perfect Master and his True Devotees -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

02/03/2005, 07:19:08
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Yes I do. I also wouldn't have expected alot of the reaction from the Rawat group. Like you, I guess I am naive. I like that about myself though actually. It means that I haven't become jaded about life and still have a positive outlook on things. Naivete is good!

BUTTTT, we have learned some lessons now. The Rawat people or at least some of them, and I have to assume that Rawat is behind alot of it at least indirectly, as in "take care of it Alfredo," can get nasty to a level that I can't even dream about. I just don't tick like that.

So I have to assume that when the cult gets mad, they will resort to measures that I can't predict. The way I see the John M episode is, he left Rawat, wrote an article about it, which just came natural to him as a journalist. Then he had the opportunity to get his hands on some stolen documents. Perhaps he didn't think much about the consequences of it at the time. That it wasn't such a big deal. What perhaps started out fairly harmless slowly got worse and worse for him.

I don't think anyone needs to be a martyr for this cause. This isn't Apartheid Africa, colonial India or Nazi Germany. It isn't even a significant movement in the West. If one feels the need to help others, their are way better causes. Rawatism isn't worth any great personal sacrifice, especially if you've already lost years of your life to it.

And the other thing about this is that it doesn't demand such sacrifices. The truth is so much on our side and Rawat has made so many mistakes through the years, that just telling the story of what happened is more than enough. If people read EPO and this forum and still want to be part of the cult, then that is their good right.

I used to be a volunteer for an AIDS organisation. The first thing they instilled in us at the training was that as a volunteer, you have to get something out of it for yourself, even if it is simply making new friends, or you'll just burn out. I think that is very appropriate advice for any ex-premies who post on this forum. Only do as much as it remains a positive experience for you. The cult isn't worth your personal sacrifice and the cult will go on whatever we do. We can only tell our story.

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