I completely agree, dant. Perspective is important. I think what infuriates the really fanatical ex-premies, and I guess probably Rawat himself, is that the most powerful thing you can do is just tell the truth. That's all we really have to do. Just say what we know. Period. For anybody who isn't really happy being a premie, that's a powerful resource for them, because mostly they have been starved for it in a cult that withholds and hides the information, and lies. As we all know, in the Rawat cult there is an incredible rumor mill, so most premies have probably heard most of what is on EPO at one time or another through the grapevine, but it's unofficial enough that people can tell themselves it isn't true, or maybe it's not true, or unless they actually saw the event themselves there isn't enough proof, because the alternative is to question the whole temple of Rawatism that they have constructed over the years.
I also do work for a local AIDS organization and they told us the same thing. There is a lot of effort to support the care-givers and to give people a perspective about what we really can and can't do. I remember in the training the first question they asked was what did I want to get out of doing the volunteer work. I thought that was kind of strange, at the time, but it made complete sense, now that I think about it. And the same applies here, I think.
I think the most positive thing for me in getting involved with ex-premies, other than making some friends and connecting up with some old friends I hadn't talked to in years, is sorting through my cult years after I thought I had already worked it all through. Actually, there was still more to do to put it in perspective. The second thing was I feel that I can make something positive out of what was largely a negative thing in my life. Everytime somebody on the Forum says that the ex-premies helped them get reinforecment for what they were feeling and to move on with their lives, it just makes it worth it.