I really agree with everything you say
Re: Sticking to the truth -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

02/03/2005, 09:57:09
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In many ways we have a similar background, in that we were in the ashram and then got out around the same time, before internet days. So for me it is exactly the same thing. I thought that I had worked it all out only to discover that I hadn't really worked out anything. Just buried those years in a corner of the backyard and hoped nobody else would find it.

The forum and EPO have really helped me understand alot more about myself and get a better perspective on my involvement. And yes, I have now re-embraced that black hole as a part of my life. And yes it is great when our little two cents can help somebody else.

These days when I try to think about what positive things I've gotten out of those times, well I have to say not all that much. I did learn how to iron shirts for example. That is already something. But most significantly, I got sent to Chicago, which I doubt I otherwise would have done. This one thing had such a major influence on the rest of my life. And I like the way things turned out, so it would be a tough call for me to decide that if I had the chance, would I do it all again or not.

I guess I would like the alternative to have moved to Chicago without being involved with Rawat. Oh yes, and that I had taken a class in shirt ironing.

That was exactly the question they asked me at the AIDS organisation. It must be a conspiracy. I also at first thought it was a such a strange question. But I guess they have all made their experiences by now and of course see the results. And we are starting to make our own experiences on this forum in the same way.

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