This non-premie's belief system says it all
Re: This premie belief system says it all -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/31/2005, 02:40:08
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I was responding to Jim, John, but if you're going to spout off your ignorant beliefs, then I will point out a couple of things, sir, if you don't mind.  I have Knowledge.  Do you?  I've SEEN the light within me as a result of my practise.  Not frequently, but on occasion.  I have no doubt about this light.  DO YOU UNDERSTAND, SIR, WHAT NO DOUBT MEANS?  Do you have doubt that the sun exists?  No, because you've seen it.  In the same way, I've seen and experienced this light and I continue to do so as a direct result of my practise. 

Because you, Jim and others here have never experienced it, why do you insist that it doesn't exist when so many others have claimed to experience it, not only in this time, but throughout himan history?  Many seers, saints, mystics, masters and devotees have reported seeing this light and the ecstacy that goes with it.  I understand that you doubt, but I do not, sir.  I have directly experienced the light within me.  That's why I believe you, Jim and others here are on the dark path.  BECAUSE LIGHT RESIDES WITHIN YOU, AND YOU ARE NOT SEEKING IT! 

Got it?

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