Was I talking to you?
Re: Oh really? -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/31/2005, 06:19:30
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No.  Like yesterday, when I was chatting with Turey, you busted in to a conversation that I was having with Jim.  However, I will respond to your post.  My conversation with Jim was about a Creator.  No, I don't think that experiencing inner light or peace means that God resides within, but I don't discount the possibility, either, since most Saints, Mystics, Masters, Seers and Devotees of all times and cultures talked about the inner experience as being a profound communiun with God.  As far as my conversation specifically with Jim, I was basically telling him that there can be no common ground if he says emphatically that "Jim Heller has no Creator".  It's a meaningless discussion after that, isn't it?  About God, at least.  So we can agree that practising K can allow a person to turn within and experience an inner light that brings peace.  After that, it really doesn't matter what you call it, does it? 

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