Re: Was I talking to you?
Re: Was I talking to you? -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

01/31/2005, 06:46:33
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A couple of points if I may?

This forum (and the chatroom) is a discussion place where anyone is free to join in any discussion and so long as they stick to some simple guidelines they don't need to be invited to join a particular discussion.  If you want to have a one on one discussion with Jim or turey without being disturbed (busted, as you put it) by other people then use the private mail facility.

I wonder if practising Knowledge in the way you describe does actually bring peace.  From all the evidence I see, for example Prem Rawat and his training programs, the way Elan Vital behaves and the majority of premies who come and post on this forum, this is so evidently not the case.  I believed, like you, that the practice of K brings peace.

However, I gotta tell you this with all the honesty I can muster, that once I chose to unburden myself of the sheer nonsense that Mr Rawat in some way had anything positive to offer, I experienced a deep sense of freedom and peace, which continues to this day.  You ought to give it a go one fine day. 


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