Let me be more clear...
Re: Re: Good for you! Peace and freedom feel good, don't they? -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/31/2005, 07:40:42
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Since Knowledge reveals my "self" within, and Maharaji gave it to me, by abandoning him AND his Knowledge, the direct access to my "self" would be gone.  Why? Because M has said that K does not work in a vacuum.  It's a triangle.  Teacher-student-Knowledge.  I don't know how true that is, but I don't feel the need to try Knowledge without the Master.  I enjoy listening to him and practising.  So that's why I said that leaving M would be like abandoning myself.  Capice?  Does Knowledge work without the Master?  Don't know.  Does it?

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