I can't wait for Three Days with Maharaji in L.A. this weekend
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

01/19/2005, 00:26:42
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Q: Why do some people feel that their seat assignments in previous events were not in accord with their times of registration?

A: Many people are not aware that our online registration system can accommodate hundreds of registrations in progress at the same time. We have registered as many as 1,500 people in the first hour of registration. Even if people are registering at roughly the same time, there is always an order. The difference between two registrations may be measured in seconds or fractions of a second. The order is determined by the time stamp on the registration, which is assigned automatically by the system and cannot be manipulated.

Q: Why can’t I get my seat assignment when I register online, like TicketMaster?

A: Frequently the seating plan for an event is not ready at the time registration opens. Even in fixed seating venues, the staff-reserved seats may not be known when registration starts. Therefore, we have designed a batch system that allows us to open registration before the seating plan is final, but which preserves our ability to assign seats in the order of the registrations.

Related link: http://elanvital.org/events2005/jan/faq.htm

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