The pearl vest showed more of his boobs for Ira
Re: The Emperor's string vest -- Sir Dave Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Pauline Premie ®

01/20/2005, 13:33:29
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I didn't care that the mala was made of REAL pearls.  And not those funky cultured pearls, either.  REAL pearls.  Anyhow, the pearl mala/vest showed more of his boobs, so I loved it.

In fact at the Kissimee swamp festival Prem wore the pearl mala when Ira was one of the people pulling him around in that cart that was covered in flowers like a float in the Rose Bowl Parade.  So I'm sure Ira got a really good view of the boob-revealing pearl mala and, even better, the boobs themselves.  So, I'm sure that's why Ira loved it so much. 

The grace really flowed through Prem's boobs for Ira.  It's obvious and so beautiful.

Modified by Pauline Premie at Thu, Jan 20, 2005, 14:59:50

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