I remember some satsang tales.....
Posted by:
San ®

12/30/2004, 10:03:52
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There was person who worked in the residence - I think his name was Patrick, but not sure, it was a long time ago - who was sent to the airport one day.  When he got back, he was depressed.  Allegedly, Maharaji asked him what the problem was.  The person said he had seen the Hare Krishna people at the airport and they all seemed so excited and enthusiastic, while the person who lived and worked at the residence was not, even though he served who he believed was Krishna incarnate.  He felt really bad that he could not get up the same spirit that the saffron robed devotees of Krishna were demonstrating.  Allegedly he was told by his teacher that those folks were not experiencing anything real, and that he should 'fake it til you make it', with regard to enthusiasm and excitement for being with him.

Then there was the one about he and Michael Donner.  Allegedly, they were out and about in Miami one day and Michael was ogling all the beautiful women around them.  Prem allegedly said to Michael something like this:  "Why are you looking at them?  They are all looking for ME anyway!"        


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