Re: Re:Gurus who turn blue as if they were Krishna
Re: Re:Gurus who turn blue as if they were Krishna -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

01/02/2005, 09:33:14
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No one does voodoo like our true-blue guru ...

"Krishna was an extremely beautiful baby with dark skin and enormous eyes and he was born wearing jewellery fit only for a king. Krishna is usually portrayed as the 'blue' god. He became blue by drinking poisoned milk given to him by an evil monster who was trying to kill all the babies in his village. Krishna did not die, but remained a blue colour. He is often shown playing a flute and on many occasions he is with his partner Radha. Krishna’s life is often performed as a folk-drama, called Krishnalila. Krishna finally died when he was inadvertently shot in the foot, and returned to heaven. He is one of the best loved of all the Hindu gods".

Note that phrase: "inadvertently shot in the foot" - worthy of Clouseau, n'est-ce-pas? (i.e it's always someone else's fault - or was it an accidental "innoculation'?!).

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Modified by cq at Sun, Jan 02, 2005, 09:57:30

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