I'm saying it anyway
Re: imaginary friend? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Marshall ®

12/18/2004, 10:09:14
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I'm curious, would you tolerate a mistress? These freaky premies are literaly "in love" with Rawat. I know it's hard for a normal person to understand, but there it is.

Nothing is more important, in my opinion, than self-respect, and playing second fiddle to an abusive, fraudulent "Guru", will ultimately damage your self respect quite badly I would imagine. Think about it, you're willing to take second place to something even worse than an "imaginary friend", as Rawat is quite real.

You need to get help, from a therapist or something. It sound like you are classically co-dependent. Get advice from a professional counselor. 

Maybe if you left your spouse he would get shook up enough to see what's more important. A real live person should matter more than an idealised fantasy.

Ultimately your spouse is the one that needs help, but apparently it's hopeless. Like Kenny Rogers says..."you gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run."

My problem is my parents, and that's bad enough. I can't imagine having a premie spouse. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh but tough times call for tough measures.

Good luck, Premie Spouse. I feel for you.

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