Re: I agree, Nigel -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Marshall ®

12/20/2004, 21:08:10
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It's not black and white, like either all therapists are terrible, or all therapists are great. There are good, and bad therapists, just like everything else. Haven't you guys ever seen Good Will Hunting?

One thing a good therapist will tell you is "don't bother trying to change people", or "hope they will somehow change". You have to be the one who changes. Premie spouses spouse is emotionally abusive with his rawat trip. It's like an emotional shield. It's probably some kind of strange subconcious tactic to avoid intimacy. It's definitely an unhealthy situation to be in, a non-premie married to a premie. It's like a non-heroin addict being married to a heroin addict.

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