I've said it before and I'll say it again...
Re: imaginary friend? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

12/18/2004, 15:24:59
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This forum is so fortunate to have premie_spouse posting a unique (other than Marshall) perspective about the dysfunctional reality that sets in when one is trapped in Maharaji's personality cult.  Being involved and obsessed with Maharaji seems to have a lot of similarities with addiction.

Reading premie_spouse's posts always makes me see it from the perspective of my concerned parents, brothers and sisters, other family members, and friends when I got into the cult and started acting in a manner that was self-destructive.

Sure, things have sorta changed today and Maharaji gives people more notice (time) to save up and get cheap tickets for a program.   Or does he?  Here it is, December 18 and there's the announcement of a program in L.A. starting January 21.  Ok, that's a little over a month, but in my book it's cutting it pretty close when you consider you need to book flights and hotels and get time off work.  In the old days, however, Maharaji would call a program with sometimes a few days of notice.  And there were a lot of programs in the crazy years until Maharaji backed off in the 80's.  (I wonder why - his own kids?)

But, like OTS said awhile ago (http://www.forum8.org/forum8/posts/10321.html) that what we did in the pursuit of our obsession had real and permanent negative consequences.  And, certainly, with premie_spouse we get to read about the effect on the people who's lives are entwined with the premie.  Wow!  Maharaji's message of peace is garbage.  Maharaji is poison.

P.S. to premie_spouse: You probably know me as a different poster.  I've changed my posting name since we've emailed.

Modified by Babaluji at Sat, Dec 18, 2004, 15:26:19

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