Re: This Perjury Claim
Re: Re: This Perjury Claim is Totally False -- Tom Gubler Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Tom Gubler ®

12/15/2004, 18:52:17
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The letter posted by GrassHopper which is allegedly from the Queensland Police to Quinn & Scattini gives a case reference of:


The nice young man answering the phone at the Supreme Court explained that this means the case was heard in the Magistrates Court, a lower court than the District & Supreme Courts.

The nice lady at the Brisbane Magistrates Court telephone answering service informed me, that unfortunately and inexplicably, while decisions of the Supreme and District courts are made available to the public, decisions of the Magistrates Court are only available on written request to someone who can show 'an interest' in the case. Curiosity or something similar is not considered an acceptable interest so at this time any information about the case must come from the principals or their grasshoppers.

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